Friday, November 20, 2009


just received the diagnoses from my Mama's surgeon today.
now, we're battling the fear of Breast Cancer...
my Mom needs to have mastectomy....

every time i am alone i just want to sit and cry....
i keep telling myself that i need to be strong for my Mom...
so i have to put on a straight face everytime i see her and go w/ her to see her doctor...
in my heart i am praying that everything will turn out ok..

God help us....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


with friends like you who would need enemies!!!!
can't help but laugh... OMG!!!!
such a facade!!!..

liar.. liar.. head's on fire...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Only When SHe Sleeps

this is for a friend who i hope finds her peace when she sleeps 'coz i know every time she's awake she's been struggling to be free from her pain and sadness.
Smiling and laughing... hiding a broken heart that's been trampled on by people who's not even worth a speck of her time and love.

by: The Corrs

You're only just a dreamboat
Sailing in my head
You swim my secret oceans
Of coral blue and red
Your smell is incense burning
Your touch is silken yet
It reaches through my skin
And moving from within
It clutches at my breast

But it's only when I sleep
See you in my dreams
You got me spinning round and round
Turning upside-down
But I only hear you breathe

Somewhere in my sleep
Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside-down
But its only when I sleep

And when I wake from slumber
Your shadow's disappear
Your breath is just a sea mist
Surrounding my body
I'm workin' through the daytime
But when it's time to rest
I'm lying in my bed
Listening to my breath
Falling from the edge
But it's only when I sleep

See you in my dreams
You got me spinning round and round
Turning upside-down
But I only hear you breathe

Somewhere in my sleep
Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside-down
But its only when I sleep
It's only when I sleep

Sharon instrumental

Up to the sky
Where angels fly
I'll never die
Hawaiian High
In bed I lie
No need to cry
My sleeping cry
Hawaiian High

It's reaching through my skin
Movin' from within
Clutches at my breasts
But it's only when I sleep....

See you in my dreams
You got me spinning round and round
Turning upside-down
But I only hear you breathe

Somewhere in my sleep
Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside-down
But its only when I sleep

Up to the sky
Where angels fly
I'll never die
Hawaiian High
In bed I lie
No need to cry
My sleeping cry
Hawaiian High.....

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

JuLy UpDaTe

can't think of much to say right now.... was just thinking that it's almost the end of the month and I haven't even wrote 1 single thing.. so here's what's popping into my head now...

... I just moved to another apartment early this month and I'm sharing it w/ 3 other friends... it's so nice 'coz I can cook, clean, organize and do house stuff w/o any violent reaction from my housemates. I think they understand my being an OC sometimes (or is it often?.. hehehe..) so they just let me be.. my room is bigger and cooler compared to my previous one (but the real test will come next summer. hopefully it's still going to be cool). there's a little dining/receiving area separate from the kitchen and 3 bedrooms. I occupy the mid-sized one that has 3 windows... Although I need to commute everyday so far I like going home there because it's not just a place to sleep but instead it's a place that i can call my 3rd home.. yipee!!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


What color heart are you? quiz and the result is Red Heart!

You possess the qualities of vigor, willpower, rage, anger, leadership, courage, longing, malice, and wrath. The one that you give your red heart to will be mighty lucky.

-----> ug sa dihang nalingaw jud ko.. :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Fire! Fire! Fire!
......Call the fire department and call an ambulance as well.. My true friends, keep a fire extinguisher ready.. 'coz i'll be set ablaze soon by the enemy???? or by someone i hold dear that's not worthy???? hehehehehe.. and i know you're wondering what's up w/ this blog today... just laughing on some private joke... actually.. I was supposed to write this up yesterday but since i was not feeling well so here it is.. :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Boss or A Leader

just wanna share this....
"The difference between a boss and a leader: a boss says, 'Go!' - a leader says, 'Let's go!'"
----->>> this was shared by a co-worker who's also a friend.... it's just a simple line but Man! when you think about it, it makes so much sense... which do you think would give a better result when you are in a team-playing environment???? and if you are a member, would you prefer to work w/ a boss or w/ a good leader? I, for one, prefer the latter. I just can't rememeber where i read/heard this line though: "Lead and I will follow".... and I can think of a lot of ironic circumstances about this line too... but that is something that I should be the only one to know.... ;)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

WeEkEnD AdVenTure

Time for another update.. so here I am.... hehehehe..

Me and some officemates went to the beach last Sunday 5/24 and spent the night there... no reserved bedroom... just an open cottage w/ 1 lightbulb, a table and some benches and mats to sleep in... for me it was another adventure 'coz it was my first time to sleep in a mat on the sand of some beach w/ no roof (just my sarong for a blanket).. it was so cold.. hehehe.. but it was nice.. something new... and it's a lot of fun even if i just slept for just 2-3hrs that time...
now I'm excited for the next adventure.. 'til next time :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

THE ART OF EXECUTION by Guy Kawasaki of How to Change the World

My supervisor shared this link to me @ work and I think it's pretty good and useful so I'm gonna share it here.

When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: “Whose?”

Don Marquis

In the movie The Candidate, the Robert Redford character mouths “Now what?” after he gets elected. Most entrepreneurs ask the same question after they get funded. The answer is, “Now you have to deliver.” And the next question is, “How do we deliver?” This is where the art of execution comes in, and in times like this, you either execute or you die—no pun intended.
Create something worth executing. You’re going to get tired of my obsession with great products and services, but pitching, demoing, bootstrapping, and executing are a lot easier if you’ve created something meaningful. It’s hard to stay motivated and excited about executing crap. It’s easy if you’re changing the world. So if you and your team are having a hard time executing, maybe you’re working on the wrong thing.
Set goals. The next step is to set goals. Not just any kind of goals, but goals that embody these qualities:
Measurable. If a goal isn’t measurable, it’s unlikely you’ll achieve it. For a startup, quantifiable goals are things like shipping deadlines, downloads, and sales volume. The old line “What gets measured gets done” is true. This also has ramifications for the number of goals, because you can’t (and shouldn’t) measure everything. Three to five goals measured on a weekly basis are plenty.
Achievable. Take your “conservative” forecasts for these goals and multiply them by 10 percent; then use that as your goal. For example, if you think you’ll easily sell a million units in the first year, set your goal at 100,000 units. There is nothing more demoralizing than setting a conservative goal and falling short; instead take 10 percent of your forecast, make this your goal, and blow it away. You might think that such a practice will lead to underachieving organizations, because they aren’t being challenged—yeah, well, check back with me after you don’t sell a million widgets.
Relevant. A good goal is relevant. If you’re a software company, it’s the number of downloads of your demo version. It’s not your ranking in Alexa, so telling the company to focus on getting into the top 50,000 sites in the world in terms of traffic is not nearly as relevant as 10,000 downloads per month.
Rathole resistant. A goal can be measurable, achievable, and relevant and still send you down a rathole. Let’s say you’ve created a content Web site. Your measurable, achievable, and relevant goal is to sign up 100,000 registered users in the first ninety days. So far, so good. But what if you focus on this body count without regard to the stickiness of the site? So now you’ve gotten 100,000 people to register, but they visit once and never return. That’s a rathole. Ensure that your goal encompasses all the factors that will make your organization viable.
Postpone, or at least de-emphasize, touchy-feely goals. Touchy-feely goals like “create a great work environment” are bull shiitake. They may make the founders feel good. They may even make the employees feel good. But companies that reach on measurable goals are happy. Those that don’t, aren’t. As soon as you start missing the measurable goals, all the touchy-feely stuff goes out the window.
Communicate the goals. Many executive teams set goals but don’t communicate them to the organization. For goals to be effective, they have to be communicated to everyone. Employees should wake up in the morning thinking about how they’re going to help achieve these goals.
Establish a single point of responsibility. If you ask your employees who is responsible for a goal, and no one can answer you in ten seconds, there’s not enough accountability. Good employees accept responsibility. Great employees seek responsibility. Lousy employees avoid responsibility.
Follow through on an issue until it is done or irrelevant. Many organizations set goals and even measure progress toward them. However, after a short time, some goals are no longer on the radar because people start focusing on the coolest and most interesting stuff . For example, fixing bugs in the current version of a software application is not as interesting as designing a new, breakthrough product—but your current customers think it is. Legend has it that Pat Riley, the coach of the Los Angeles Lakers, measured stats of his players and posted each player’s progress on his locker.
Reward the achievers. Rewarding the people who achieve their goals has two positive effects. First, the achievers become even more excited about doing their job. Second, the under- and nonachievers know that the company takes execution very seriously. The form of the reward can be money, stock options, time off —whatever works to serve notice to everyone that “this person delivered.”
Establish a culture of execution. Execution is not an event—a onetime push toward achieving goals. Rather, it is a way of life, and this way of life is set in the early days of the organization. The best way to establish this culture is for the founders, particularly the CEO, to set an example of meeting goals, responding to customers, and heeding and measuring employees. This obsession should include the CEO’s answering e-mails and responding to phone calls.
Heed your Morpheus. Morpheus is the character in The Matrix who gave Neo the choice between the blue pill and the red pill. He was, essentially, the adult supervision. Cold, brutal reality is the ally of execution, so find a Morpheus who distributes the red pills and enables employees to see things as they really are.
When the hype dies down, a company either executed or it didn’t. Put aside the brilliance of your idea, the qualifications of your world-class team, and the hype surrounding your launch. Either you ship a product and customers buy it, or not. That’s execution, and execution is why you get the big bucks and perks.

Monday, April 20, 2009

so NEAR yet so FAR

you are so near that it will only take me to stretch out my arm and i get to touch you...
you are so near that i can hear your voice even if sometimes i don't want to
you are so near that every time something drops, my world also shakes....
but even with you so near.. i know we have never been so far apart as far as like now..
.... i have no idea if things are still going to get fixed between us... and i have no idea how...
i got hurt and in return i hurt the person who hurt me.... i tried to reach out but that time you were not ready.. you tried to reach out but i already got wary and tired... and things started falling apart big time... and now amidst all the rubble.. i got to thinking... i miss how we used to be.... less complicated.. there are times that looking at you hurts... times that i want to just turn around and hug you tight because of what i see on your face as well as sometimes just because... but there are also times that i don't want to care and i don't want to fix the rift that's growing between us each day... i just wanto turn my back and don't want to see you... i really don't know anymore...
.. for now, all i know is that you are a friend who is so near yet so far... and i..... i will just leave this as it.... coz the rest of that sentence i can't complete and i don't want to complete....

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I promised a friend today that I'll write up something here by the end of the day so that she'll know updates about me.... she just married last year and is now living far from where I am and where we met....

Thinking of her right now makes me think that in the group, she's the one who usually organizes gatherings at her parents' house to hang out, to have fun or just so we can talk and exchange news.... hehehe.. wierd thought though 'coz I am one of those in the group who's not the "always present" type so how come this is the 1st thing I missed and noticed when she flew to her new home.... but yeah.. I'm missing it..

ok.. ok.. I know... i'm supposed to be here to talk about me..

hmmm.. not much I can tell... I am contented w/ what I have (of course that excludes MONEY... I want to be rich too!!!! and right now I'm still a pauper.. huhuhuh..)... I am still trying to do better personally, emotionally and career-wise.. Conflicts??? yep, a little here and there but not that overwhelming yet... I guess I'm learning to voice out what I want and be a little selfish.... too general huh? oh well, can't say anything more specific or else this is going to be really boring.... basta to sum it all up, I'm still me.. the BING that you met that day.. what else can I say???... hehehe...

Oh yeah... I'm going on an adventure this weekend.. going to some place I haven't been to and w/ people who have not been there too.. we're just gonna be riding the bus and whatever local vehicle available when we get to our destination.. no car.. no guide but the internet and the name of the place.... it's just here in Cebu... probably boring to some since they'd been to places but... still it's new to me so.... I'm SO EXCITED... hehehehe

that's 'bout it... so trivial... but a promise is a promise however small it is.. :)

hope you didn't get bored CUZ!!! :)

ingatz always!!!...

Monday, February 2, 2009




Choleric corresponds to the fluid of yellow bile, the season of summer (dry and hot), and the element of fire. A person who is choleric is a doer and a leader. They have a lot of ambition, energy, and passion, and try to instill it in others. They can dominate people of other temperaments, especially phlegmatic types. Many great charismatic military and political figures were cholerics. On the negative side, they are easily angered or bad-tempered. A person described as "bilious" is mean-spirited, suspicious, and angry. This, again, is an adaptation of the old humor theory "choleric."


Sanguine indicates the personality of an individual with the temperament of blood, Night, the season of spring (wet and hot), and the classical element of air. A person who is sanguine is generally light-hearted, funloving, a people person, loves to entertain, spontaneous, and confident. However they can be arrogant, cocky, and indulgent. He/She can be day-dreamy and off-task to the point of not accomplishing anything and can be impulsive, possibly acting on whims in an unpredictable fashion. This also describes the manic phase of a bipolar disorder. The humour of Sanguine is usually treated with leeches.

Personality Type: Extrovert

Creative, resourceful, and intellectually quick, these Extroverts are good at a broad range of things. Enjoy debating issues, and may be into one-up-manship. They get very excited about new ideas and projects, but may neglect the more routine aspects of life. Generally outspoken and assertive. They enjoy people and are stimulating company. Excellent ability to understand concepts and apply logic to find solutions.

Friday, January 30, 2009


I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them.
I've learned that no matter how much I care some people just don't care back.

I've learned that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.

I've learned that it's not what you have in your life, but whom you have in your life that counts.

I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.

I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.

I've learned that either you control your attitude or it controls you.

I've learned that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.

I've learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you’ve celebrated.

I've learned that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.
I've learned that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.

I've learned that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.

I've learned that just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other.
And, just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do.
I’ve learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn’t stop for your grief.

I’ve learned that no matter how you try to protect your children, they will eventually get hurt, and you will hurt in the process.

I've learned that you should never tell a child their dreams are unlikely or outlandish. Few things are more humiliating, and what a tragedy it would be if they believed it.

I've learned that heroes are people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.

I’ve learned that you can keep going long after you can’t.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


THE OX in the Year of the Ox:

......The Ox is the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. As one might guess, such people are dependable, calm and modest. Like his animal namesake, the Ox is unswervingly patient, tireless in his work, and capable of enduring any amount of hardship without complaint

...... People born in this year are also said to be stubborn, narrow minded, and with low public relations skills.
.....Interesting combinations, I must say. These and lots more are sure in store for us in the Chinese Year of the Ox 2009. So let’s see what other things are coming for the Ox as well as those in the other animal year.

......Continuing with our discussion of the Ox, the male Ox can look forward to a better year in 2009 compared to their female counterpart, as far as the romance department is concern. The female Ox can only expect for short term romances, and she even have to take initiatives at times. On the other hand, with the star Tai Yin shining on them, which represents females with influence to help them out, the male Ox can expect to have better luck on love, and is likely to meet someone he likes.

......Aside from the love factor, Tai Yin is also known as a Star of Wealth which means that it can influence his luck on wealth positively. So if the male Ox is working under a female supervisor, he can expect more support and recognition, with a better chance of progress and development in career. But while Tai Yin signifies progress, it is slow yet steady. This means that the Ox should not be pushy or rush his way, if he does, his luck might go the other way.

.....Another lucky star shining on the Ox (1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 2009) in 2009 is Guo Yin, which is an authority star is also known as the seal of the General. This can be interpreted that his progress and developments will be recognized and achieved with much authority.

......Unfortunately, unlucky stars are also shining upon the Ox. These stars are Guan Suo, Gou Shen, Di Sha and Tian Sha which could cause annoyance because of poor interpersonal relationships and some disputes. Guan Suo, for one, represents financial disputes and blackmailing. These unlucky stars can cause turbulence to the Ox’s otherwise beautiful career path for the
Year of the Ox 2009. It is advised that he should work on and improved his interpersonal relationships skill, as this is his weakest department, and the area he is likely to go wrong.


.....Sensitivity influences the toughness of the Ox to produce a delicate personality, with unlimited creativity and perspicacity. Piscean Oxen are artistic and would rather work behind the scenes than be a visible member of the team.