Friday, March 28, 2008

SeTtLiNg In.........

hhhmmm... okay time for another UPDATE....

I've been working here for a month now.... to be specific... a month and 10days.... hehehe... and I've been w/ the SERVICE TEAM for almost the whole time.... My First job description was as an Administrative Assistant but now I have evolved to Service Personnel major in Installation.. hehehe...

During the first days here at work I used to bug my SUP/TL to hand me something to do.. the only antogonist I had was Mr. Sleep.... and so I was asked to give a hand at inventory... then next i was the back-up of the current back-up personnel in the service team... so relaxed... no pressure... always had time to check my mails then.... but now????? i'm up to my elbows w/ installation scheduling... mind you, i'm not whining... it's actually fun... filling up schedules w/ work orders, tracing routes and trying to juggle 5-7 technicians a day... and what makes it more challenging?????? our counterpart who's handing me what job to do is in California and he's up to his elbows w/ his own stuff as well... whew!!!! imagine that!!! i guess it's time to put my being an OC into good use....

perks? -good humored people to talk w/ both here in the office and at our main office in Fresno as well as after working hours...

by the way.. if i get silent and you're wondering what's up w/ me.. just poke me in the ribs... i might be drowning w/ work already.. hehehe...

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